joi, 25 august 2016

Cumparati frigidere SH de la Imperator

Probabil ca nu cumparam foarte des frigidere, insa atunci cand o facem studiem foarte bine piata pentru a gasi cel mai bun pret si ne asteptam de la acesta sa functioneze minim 10 ani. Preturile din magazine variaza foarte mult in functie de dimensiuni, marca si model, astfel ca alegerea ideala se face in functie de preferinte, dar si de necesitati. Pentru o familie cu doi copii mici, cu siguranta ca este mai potrivit un frigider de dimensiuni superioare, in timp ce pentru un tanar, poate fi suficient si unul mai modest.
Mii de produse
In schimb, pentru oferte foarte atractive, oricand se poate apela la sectiunea frigidere pe intrucat mii de utilizatori posteaza zilnic noi anunturi, printre care si in aceasta categorie, astfel ca preturile sunt mai bune ca in magazine. Totul este mult mai usor cu ajutorul internetului, in special datorita faptului ca nu mai trebuie sa pierdem timpul prin magazine pentru a studia ofertele, ci este suficienta accesarea site-urilor potrivite in acest sens. In plus, toate informatiile despre un anumit model pot fi aflate in scurt timp, astfel ca ne putem bucura de mai mult confort.
Vanzari mari
Astfel, nu este de mirare de ce vanzarile din mediul online sunt intr-o continua crestere. Mai mult decat atat, cei care acceseaza sectiunea frigidere pe pot gasi liste de preturi actualizate zilnic, iar poate cel mai mare avantaj fata de magazine, este ca acestea pot fi negociate. Site-ul este foarte usor de folosit de catre oricine, iar datorita faptului ca anunturile se posteaza gratuit, se bucura de un numar important de utilizatori. In schimb, cei care isi doresc sa isi creasca sansele de vanzare a unui produs, au oricand posibilitatea de alegere a optiunii de promovare a unui anunt, iar contra unei sume modice, acesta va fi mult mai evidentiat si mai atragator pentru ceilalti utilizatori.

marți, 23 august 2016

Everything about tao massage

In order to understand all the potential of the Tao erotic massage (or tantric) massage, of great help is the understanding of all the Taoist notions regarding the energetic field, which embraces the whole human body in the form of energetic channels or meridians. According to the Taoist tradition, the energy of life is diffused by a fundamental force called CHI, which is manifested in the human body through sperm for man and physiological liquids that are formed during the discharge moment for woman.

To explain hat is CHI

The energy flowing of the CHI through these meridians can be extremely responsible and essential for a very good health. Also, the tantric masters consider ejaculation both for men and women as a discharge that has nothing to do with orgasm and has many effects that are going to be sensed in the entire body.

– one can lose the energy of life, Chi, and also will weaken the immune system by creating an environment for various diseases.
– the body aging
– a general state of fatigue, or sadness, also for some people depression, , pessimism, etc.
TAO or tantra facts and best practices
Should we want to mention that all of those things may appear as consequences of repeated ejaculation  very short periods of time. There are out there some Tantric masters that have studied these aspects discovered the fact that after one ejaculation, the sexual potential needs as much as one week in order to recover.

But all the things above are just stories and not very important things unless you have experienced them

sâmbătă, 20 august 2016

Escort girls in London

I will tell you the story that my friends from London told me a couple of days ago, which is mainly about their experience in this summer with some escort girls in London that they hired through an agency.

So... those guys have absolutely no idea regarding girls, they are basically unable to go and pick up some nice girl in a club, so they are always going for paying the girls, which in a way can be considered a good thing, as they really have a lot of money and they also know that those money have to actually be spent on something.

Now, judging by the fact that they have traveled to London to have some fun, they decided in a certain night to pick up some girls, but as they did not knew that it is completely illegal to walk with the car on the street to pickup hookers they were in fact picked up themselves by the police :D which was really shocking if you think about it.

It seems that in London this escorting activity is only permitted somehow through agencies, and they due to the fact that were searching escorts on the streets the police considered that there were in fact encouraging this kind of activity, so they were arrested for that night.

It is very funny if you can imagine 4 very rich people that were in fact arrested by the local police, then imprisoned in a cell with some common burglars and other petty criminals due to some very funny thing.

But I think... this is life... if you are not studying a problem from all the angles, you risk to be picked by the police.

vineri, 12 august 2016

City break la Munchen - capitala Bavariei

Abia ce m-am intors dintr-un city break la Munchen si abia asteptam sa ajung sa scriu despre experienta mea. In prima faza eram putin sceptic cu privire la aceasta vacanta pentru nu stiu nici macar o boaba de germana si ma gandeam ca imi va fi foarte greu sa ma descurc, insa totul a fost ok pana la urma. Am avut niste prieteni care au vizitat orasul, insa drumul l-au facut cu masina lor si a fost obositor, astfel ca am zis ca e mai ok un zbor cu avionul pentru ca nu mai pierzi atat de mult timp pe drum.
Orasul nu duce lipsa de locuri de vazut, iar istoria bogata este evidentiata prin cladirile vechi cu o arhitectura frumoasa. Sunt foarte multe muzee si turnuri in care te poti urca pentru a admira imprejurimile, astfel ca nu se pune problema de plictiseala in Munchen. In plus, totul este foarte curat si bine organizat, motiv pentru care m-am simtit foarte bine, stiind ca in cateva zile ma voi intoarce in tara unde nu ma asteapta aceeasi curatenie. Gasesti restaurante la tot pasul, dar si fast food-uri daca vrei sa mananci ceva rapid, iar preturile sunt foarte bune, de circa 5 euro.

Nu poti sa alegi un city break la Munchen fara sa incerci cateva feluri de bere, care intradevar are un gust mult mai placut, mai natural. Germanii sunt destul de primitori, insa putini sunt cei care cunosc alta limba decat pe a lor, dar noi ne-am descurcat: slava internetului si Google Translate. Poti sa inchiriezi biciclete si asa e mult mai usor sa te plimbi si nici nu mai trebuie sa mergi cu tramvaiul sau cu autobuzul. Orasul e destul de aglomerat si poti vedea persoane din toata lumea, insa cei mai multi dintre turisti sunt foarte prietenosi.

marți, 9 august 2016

The best virtual tour software solution

The company that employed me for a huge project related to advertisement and marketing is a huge player in the real estate industry from Los Angeles, so you can imagine that there are a whole lot of money out there, a lot of money to be made.

So, what I need to do in my job is to create a whole lot of very special presentations for certain properties - presentations that should work as virtual tours, virtual tours that should be able to be shared through the social media platforms, sent on mails, tracked and so on.

Basically there is more than just a creation job, but also a marketing and sales related, which is a nasty thing from my point of view, as I am not a marketing guy and neither a programmer that should be easily able to add features to a web page or platform that sis doing several things.

But fortunately there is google, and after a couple of hours of assiduous work, searching and evaluating it seams that I have found the best solution out there, the best one that money can buy, and one can use in order to create great Virtual Tours for large scale companies and clients, with a lot of branding options, with support for distribution through social media, email and to be completely honest, much more than I would have need.

Now, another interesting thing relies in the fact that there are a lot of more expensive solutions that are offering less than Tour Wizard, but probably not everyone wants and/or needs the same thing, of some people have used already with other kind of services, that to be honest do not provide the same amount of quality and options for the users.

So, I will most certainly encourage everyone at least to try Tour Wizard, as it is the best software out there.